Sunday, September 27, 2009

Autumn Fun

Tuesday was the official start to my favorite season of the year...autumn! After nearly a month of rainy days, our weather this weekend has been beautiful! Crisp, cool mornings with blue, sunny skies. It doesn't get much better than this. The windows are open and Luci is enjoying running outside at will. She has been dragging her toys out on the deck and "mowing" with her lawn mower for hours. So cute to watch!

Yesterday we took advantage of the awesome weather and headed down to our favorite Saturday morning activity...breakfast at Little Bread Company and the Farmer's Market. We were surprised to find that the sidewalks weren't crowded at all; in fact, Luci got to walk around by herself which never happens. She loved the freedom. She played with all the "Das" or dogs that were visiting the Farmer's Market and even stopped to watch some belly dancers do their thing; she was fascinated and stood in one place watching for what must have been 10 minutes.

Another event in Luci's life this fall are Wednesday evenings with Daddy. I have class on Wednesdays so Luci and Daddy have an evening alone. This has been really good for them both and she is getting to be somewhat of a Daddy's girl. Below are a couple of pictures from their last evening. Luci loves to blow the harmonica/whistle that we bought her in Korea (a pink Poroyo whistle) and her new favorite spot to sit is on top of the fireplace, straddling Daddy's mandolin case. I am also including a video of the latest trick that Daddy taught her Wednesday evening (I am so proud!). Most of you have seen it on Facebook, but for those of our blog readers who aren't on Facebook (Ryan and Sherri) here is Luci's (your neice's) new past-time. Watch her little cheeks carefully if you can't figure out what she is doing!

Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful fall weather as much as we are!

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Luci got us up nice and early on this Saturday morning (5:50 am) so I thought I would take some time and update the blog with some of our latest pictures. We have got to teach this girl that weekends are for sleeping in...especially rainy weekends!

Daycare is getting better, even though she hasn't been in a week and a half. She has had a nasty virus, which she picked up there, and hasn't been well enough to return. However, before she got sick we had moved past the screaming-when-Mommy-leaves phase. We had moved into the slight-lip-quiver-as-I-wave-goodbye phase. She was also beginning to play with the other kiddos and even eat at the big kid table. She had shunned the high chair because that is where the babies are fed. It was so funny to pick her up at lunchtime and see her sitting with the 2 year olds like she was so big! On the sick front, Luci seems to be feeling better this weekend. She is still congested and her little voice is so hoarse, but she is happy and playing contentedly. Also, the fever has been gone for 2 days!!!

Since I last posted, Luci has spent a couple of weekends at the river. She is becoming quite the water-lover! She has no problem just heading into the water and splashing around. It hasn't quite been swimming weather but that doesn't stop Luci from plowing in and sitting down in the water. A change of clothes is a definite must for these quick trips.

Sitting in the water and trying to grab a rock!

Luci and Pops relaxing by the river (the water is so brown because of an extra heavy rain the day before)

Nana trying to teach Luci how to skip rocks

Splashing with Mommy

Can't get enough of the water. Luci and Daddy had just finished turning over rocks looking for critters.

Had to throw in a picture of cardinal flower on the riverbank. Isn't it pretty?!

I know this isn't a water picture, but I had to end with it. I thought it was hilarious. Luci loves the lids to the pots and pans and she loves to put things in containers. How many 13 month olds do you know that can fit in the lid of a 1-quart saucepan with room to spare?!