Luci is really settling in. We even took a trip into Fayetteville last night for a shopping trip at Lowe's (outlet covers!) and for dinner at Flying Burrito. Luci chowed on rice and refritos while Mommy and Daddy shared a fantastic quesadilla. We get about 25-30 minutes in the carseat until we enter screaming baby mode, so we pick and choose our trips.
My days at work are just to pass time until I get to come home and play. If it isn't raining Heather and Luci meet me in the driveway. Granted - that means maybe once or twice here lately; we measure rain in weeks not inches these days. Then we're off for a game of chase around the furniture...
or to balance in Daddy's hand...
Maybe we'll play flying Luci for a bit until I worry about getting puked on.
And here's a picture of doodlebug in all her cuteness. Look at those little lips!
She is so cute! Paxton still loves playing chase around the furniture! Fortunately, Big Sister loves playing with him during the day, so he gets it pretty much when he wants!
She is just the sweetest little girl I've ever seen! And from 1 reading-obsessed mama to another - yay that Luci likes books!
Keep the adorable pictures coming...Luci's fans need their fix!
Glad to hear that Luci is settling in so well. She certainly looks content. Fatherhood looks very good on Jason!
Luci is beautiful! I was so happy to run into you both at the Farmer's Market. I loved having the chance to meet her pretty little self. I'm glad she is settling in. You all look so happy!
Came across your blog while looking up bibimbap in Insadong...just got back from a 2 week visit to Seoul my third in 3 yrs. My son teaches English in Korea he and his younger brother are both Holt adoptees...25 & 22 yrs.of age.. we adopted them when they were 3 mos. I am very much aware of how your Luci has suffered and thrived at the same time with you both. Each day she spent in the loving care of Mrs.Kim makes it that much harder to trust but she will. You are both obviously very loving and patient parents. I can see by your beautiful pics how much you have appreciated Luci's heritage...ironically I think we followed the same paths during your visit. I stayed in a small hotel in Insadong most of this trip and visited the temple several times. Take some advise from an older parent do your best to celebrate your daughter's culture and if possible maybe she can learn some of the language (my only regret). Today my sons are taking Korean language courses so that they can feel more at"home" when they live and visit Korea. I plan to return in the Fall. Sorry to have intruded on your blog...though it must have been fate that I was looking for the restaurant to show my husband (bibimbap is a favorite of his). Best Wishes, Ardis Hendrix
So precious!!!
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